Drapes and curtains can be a cumbersome undertaking to clean, so when you’re in need of the best cleaning for your drapes or upholstery NYC can provide, come to the place with a proven history of excellence. Drapes, especially, can often be very large, ornate, and permanently installed. Embellishments may make cleaning difficult without damaging the piece. The safest option is to allow Cameo Cleaners to come into your home and take care of them for you. A clean set of drapes can easily serve as the perfect centerpiece for your room’s design, so let Cameo Cleaners make sure they stay brilliant.
Upholstery stains are common and incredibly difficult to eliminate. Not only do you have to worry about upsetting temperamental fabrics and dyes in your furniture, you also have to figure out the best way to remove whatever it is that caused the stain in the first place. Try Cameo Cleaners’ years of experience in offering professional upholstery cleaning NYC relies on to quickly and easily restore even the finest of upholstery. We’ll come to you to service your needs.